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SCE Demo Model Introduction

This model has been developed by Elliott D. Pollack & Company to provide SCE a means to calculate the economic and fiscal impacts of any business currently located or planning to locate or expand operations in the region specified by SCE.
County-level multipliers from the Minnesota IMPLAN Group (2003) are used to calculate all the economic impacts of a business’s construction and operations. The results from the economic impact analysis are used to compute the impact on revenues generated to the State of California, the selected county and the selected city. The counties purchased by SCE for this model include Kern County, Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Santa Barbara County, Tulare County and Ventura County.
Definition of the Inputs:
# Input What to Enter Notes
1. Project/Company Name and Address Enter the project company's name/title, if desired. The project or company name will be provided on all output tables.
2. Street Address Enter the project company's street address, if desired. The address will be provided on all output tables.
3. Company Industry1 Select an industry from the drop down box. Provides information on correct multipliers to run the model.
4. County1 Select a county from the drop down box. Provides information on correct set of multipliers to run the economic impact.
5. Business Tax Category1 Select a business tax category from the drop down box. Provides information on which business tax category to run the local business taxes on.
6. Number of jobs created or retained2 Enter the number of jobs the company supports. If the number does not change over the five years, the figure must still be entered in each year in order for the model to give a five year impact. At least one year must be entered for the model to run.
7. Total payroll2 Enter the total salary earnings the company supports. If the figure does not change over the five years, the figure should still be entered in each year in order for the model to give a five year impact.
1 All drop down boxes (industry type, county and business tax category) must be selected in order to run the model.
2 Either jobs or payroll are required to run the model.
If you run into any problems or have any questions about the model, please email us at

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